Saturday, October 27, 2012

Bill W. referred to AA as a spiritual kindergarten.

Bill W. referred to AA as a spiritual kindergarten. There seems to be an implication in that description that we can and do move beyond kindergarten in our spiritual lives.

 In my own experience of recovery from addiction issues, I have found, as so many others have, this to be the case. The tools of the 12 Step programs have provided a strong foundation and served as a springboard for spiritual growth and development for many but, this is only a beginning.

 Assuming we are spiritually fit, we can do all sorts of things "alcoholics" and "addicts" are not "supposed" to do, providing we meet these conditions every day. An "alcoholic" or "addict"  who cannot meet them, still has an "alcoholic" or "addict" mind and belief system; there is still something out of alignment within ones spiritual status and belief system that is more harmful than helpful. Simply put, one needs to change the way one thinks. in order to change the way one lives.

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