Monday, December 24, 2012

IT Happens

What is IT about; This rollercoaster we refer to as life? Instead of asking what is IT about why not ask what can IT be about. Hmm. Possibilities? A different consciousness all together, wouldn't you say? Asking what life is about makes one a witness; An observer of something already existing. You may enjoy IT's beauty. You may despise IT's horridness. IT may be art or absolute rubbish but that all depends on how you wish to observe IT. Asking yourself what IT can be about changes everything. You now can become the artist, the sculptor, the creator. There's no more having to succumb and make choices to exist and "get through". Now one may be involved and create ones own reality. Following a path, usually the one of least resistance, not only diverts one from experiencing wondrous events and opportunities but it leads one through already chartered territory. Someone else's glorious claims and discoveries. By creating ones own path, hacking through the thick wooded jungle and unchartered ground, one gets to discover and claim the treasures one may find along ITs way. If you're ready for the trek but feel a little ill equipped, contact an elder relative. Try Grandma. I heard she wears hiking boots not combat boots. Borrow them.

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